The blessings of missions

by adrianfloor on June 5, 2014

Equatorial Guinea Mission 2014 with Pastor Kiluba wa Kiluba

A mission is a source of blessing first for the place and the people to whom the mission is destined and also for the place from where the mission is departing.

Equatorial Guinea is God’s target destination for the mission of salvation through Pastor Kiluba wa Kiluba this year.

Equatorial Guinea, officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, is a beautiful country located in Central Africa, with an area of 28,000 square kilometres. It has two parts, an insular and a mainland region.

Capital city: Malabo

President: Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

Currency: Central African CFA franc

Population: 736,296 (2012) World Bank

Government: Dictatorship, Unitary state, Presidential system, Republic

Points of interest: Monte Alén National Park, Pico Basilé

Official languages: French, Spanish Language, Portuguese Language

An estimated 93 percent of the population is Christian, of whom 87 percent are Roman Catholic and six percent are Protestant and members of independent denominations; many Catholics reportedly follow traditional beliefs as well. Five percent of the population practices indigenous religious beliefs exclusively. Muslims, Bahais, and practitioners of other religious beliefs each constitute less than one percent of the population. The number of Muslims is increasing due to the growing number of West African and Middle Eastern immigrants.

Having given you an overview of the destination, Equatorial Guinea, of the upcoming mission of Pastor Kiluba wa Kiluba, we see in scripture this blessing of the mission in the messianic mission. For God so loved the world; that he sent Jesus; to take people out of the condemnation of sin; into the blessing of eternal life; as promised to Abraham – the father of faith. We are blessed by this mission through salvation and Heaven is also blessed; for there is joy in heaven every time a sinner repents and comes to salvation – A dual blessing.

Deuteronomy 28:1-2“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God”

The first blessing that we receive as we go, as we obey, as we involve ourselves in the mission is to be placed above (to be out of the control of principalities in order to control them) the spiritual dominions and principalities that control the nations and keep them away from God’s plans and promises. It is impossible to do anything in the nations of this world without the blessing of God. It is the favour of God that can open even the hearts of kings. Jesus knew this and when he sent the disciples he also gave them power over serpents and scorpions on the mission field. Some people go into missions without the blessing of God and they fall in the trap of these principalities, they are caught up under the control of these forces of darkness and they will not fulfil the will of God in the mission but they will go for their own interests like Acan and they are cursed and become a source of curse for their own people and also for their land. God blesses those he has sent, not those who are on ‘spiritual tourism’- those who send themselves or those who go because they have the money to travel.

This promise of Deuteronomy was given to a people who had obeyed the call of God to leave Egypt (worldly pursuits) and go to the mission in Canaan which later became their inheritance. Going into the mission is not cheap, it costs at many levels: Finances, time, separation from loved ones, risks associated with going to a place not known and so on. Therefore it takes obedience to go into the missions and God blesses this obedience.

This obedience is at different levels. God sent Moses. 1. Moses obeyed God and spoke to Israel.  2. Israel obeyed God by following Moses out of Egypt (Out of their own preoccupations).

Today may you have an ‘Israel Mentality’ (Those who are truly the people of God follow God first) and become involved in this mission and you will see the wonders of God in your life’s journey. As it is written God has made known his ways (Direction, mission) to Moses and his works to Israel (ref: Psalm 103:7). You can be involved through a number of ways; by consistent, concerned and informed prayers. You can also involve yourself in this mission by recommending others to pray. Finally, you can involve yourself by financially supporting the missions remembering that we reap what we sow.

Don’t say “I am not part of JTL and this does not concern me”: You may miss your blessings. This mission though organised by JTL is a Jesus mission, who said to all of us believers,  “Go ye therefore and make of all nations my disciples!” Rahab was not denominationally part of Israel but she adopted the ‘Israel Mentality’ which was to follow and support Moses and she involved herself and her family in the mission (She hid the two spies – or missionaries- in her house) and she was not only saved but she also became part of the blessings of this mission. She became an ancestor of Jesus -the greatest of all missionaries.

Obey now and involve yourself as the Spirit leads you for this mission to Equatorial Guinea and enter in the blessings of nations!

Pray for the subjection of all spiritual dominions and principalities that were keeping Equatorial Guinea under the curse of sin.

Pray for God’s favour upon the man of God Pastor Kiluba and his missionary team that many doors may open for them in Equatorial Guinea, especially in this preparatory phase of the mission.

Pray that many will hear the call to involvement in this mission from all over the world.

Equitorial guinea Mission 2014

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