
Beloved in Christ,

A few years ago, we received a calling from the Lord, to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all languages of the earth. J.T.L. ministries (JESUS-CHRIST TO ALL LANGUAGES) was born in obedience to this calling.

Since 1987, Pastor Kiluba has been moving in the cities of Africa, Europe and America, sowing the word of God and bringing by the grace of the Lord, thousands of souls into the Kingdom of God.
By our ministry many churches were born and have grown in number in the grace of the Lord.

Beloved, this harvest which is a blessing through our ministry for thousands of men and women, including the body of Christ, demands tremendous financial support.

The organisation of crusades, seminars, conferences in the cities where we preach demands finances for the hiring of halls, media advertisement and the accommodation of the missionary team that moves with Pastor Kiluba.
We also need finances for the functioning of our administrative structures, our international representative offices, our Bible school structures, which is for the training of ministers, as well as for the printing of brochures and the release of books written by Pastor Kiluba. Lastly, we need support for our involvement in the different communities in charity work. The above-mentioned necessities demand sustainable financial commitment.

The calling is ours but we need your help in the fulfilment of this vision to preach Jesus Christ to all languages on the surface of the earth. For this is our portion of work from the Lord in these times. You can support us by your prayers and also by your voluntary financial participation.

Beloved in Christ, you who share with us the burden of the salvation of souls in the world, you can be part of the harvest of souls by committing to pray (intercede) earnestly and intensively to support this vision, and you can also contribute, donate and share for our missions and activities.

Beloved, we sincerely invite you with all our heart to become partners with us in the international harvest, for the hour of Africa has come in international evangelism and it is the time for Jesus Christ in all the languages of the earth. The Lord is faithful and He will reward you in due season.

To contact us for information of how you can partner with this mission, click here.

2 Corinthians 9vs6-7
“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Partnership Form

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    I would like to partner with JTL ministries in intercession (committed prayer) for the salvation of souls:

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