We believe God is one; He is the creator of heaven and earth and the father of all.
We believe; He is in charge of His creation and cannot be separated from it.
We believe; He is full of compassion with regard to the suffering and the misery of man on earth.
We believe God is all knowing and Almighty and He alone is able to bring perfect and definite solutions to the problems of human kind.
We see according to the Scriptures that these solutions become accessible to man in the person of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God.
We believe that Jesus:
• Was born of the virgin Mary
• Died at the cross to destroy the power of the devil on humanity.
• Resurrected from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit and was enthroned at the right hand of the Father.
• Appointed Judge of the living and the dead.
We believe in the efficiency and perfection of His cleansing Sacrifice at the cross of Golgotha, by which the power of Satan, source of all corruption of the body, was overcome.
We believe that at Pentecost, Christ sent the Holy Spirit on all the earth: and that the move of the Holy Spirit is continuous until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit was sent to execute the plan of the Salvation of humanity: According to the following biblical reference: John 15:26-27; and after which He gives gifts and different ministries to men without a limit in time and space: 1 Corinthians 12:1-4; Ephesians 4:7-11.
We believe in the authority and inspiration of the Bible, which remains the only foundation of faith.
We believe in the victory of the Christian over all the powers of the devil by the name of Jesus Christ.
We believe in Salvation by faith and this faith comes from hearing and what we hear comes from the word of Christ by the full gospel.
We believe that God appoints spokes persons who have a mandate by the Holy Spirit to preach the Good news and to be ministers of the Word according to: Romans 10: 14-18; Luke 1:1-2.
We believe that the gospel should neither suffer racism nor cast: Romans 1:4; Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28.
We believe in the present biblical methods provided by the Holy Spirit for the evangelism of the world; Jesus Christ being the same Yesterday, Today and Forevermore: Hebrews 13:8.
We believe in the interest of the Lord in the social needs of every nation. It is for this reason that the Lord Jesus was not only content with giving the gospel to the multitudes that was with Him in the desert but He multiplied bread for their suffering bodies; he took care of their needs and made it a doctrine in the Gospel using the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Pastor Kiluba's Mission South Africa - Times of Ascension 2017 DVD Now Available
Pastor Kiluba's Mission Ivory Coast 2009 DVD Available
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