The Visionary

The powerful preacher of the gospel, Pastor Theophile Kiluba wa Kiluba originally from Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been travelling the nations of the earth since 1987, preaching the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ and teaching in the Body of Christ the truths of the Word of God that the Lord revealed to him by his grace.

Pastor Kiluba wa Kiluba is the founder of the Worldwide Movement for Evangelism, JTL ministries:  A missionary ministry which has members from different nations of the world. All these people are only gathered by the will of the Holy Spirit in order to conquer the nations for the Lord Jesus Christ.

His preaching is not based on persuasive speech of human wisdom, but on the demonstration of the Spirit and of power; the Holy Spirit giving testimony to the Word by signs and miracles of every kind.

Brief biography of Pastor Kiluba

Pastor Kiluba wa Kiluba was born on the 30th of August 1955 at MULONGO; he originates from the territory of MANONO in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

He accepted Christ in 1968 after receiving a vision of the end of the world and the rupture of the Body of Christ.

He is a son of a Protestant church pastor. He did primary and secondary school and completed his studies at a medical school.

In 1977, he received the call for the Nations by the appearing of the Lord Jesus-Christ in his lounge where he was meditating the word. And in November of the same year, he had a clear vision in the evenings, where God was speaking to him personally in the midst of thunder and a pillar of light appeared in his room. In the pillar of light was a spiritual being who was holding a Bible and it was opened on Isaiah 60.

The vision was manifested when he was the director of a hospital in the south of Katanga where he experienced the power of revival in salvation, healings and even the resurrection of a child.

3 years later, he arrived in a city called Lubumbashi where he started the revival of the Katanga province.

5 years later, the Lord told him to go to the Nations of the earth.

In 1985 in April, began the Worldwide Movement for Evangelism, Jesus-Christ to All Languages (JTL Ministries).

In 1986, after establishing an intercession network, he began public crusades.

In 1987, the revival of the nations began with African countries amongst which was: Gabon, and then Brussels in Belgium, followed by Paris, France, Portugal, Canada, New York City, USA, the Republic of the Congo Brazza, the Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroun.

He continued his mission with Tanzania, Zambia and then West Africa, Dakar in Senegal, Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast and many others.

And the move continues its journey.

He then founded a Bible School called PSWM (Preparing Saints for Works of Ministry) where people from many nations have been trained and many churches that we call the Evangelical centers were born.

And the move continues its journey.

May God bless you; bless Africa and bless the nations of the earth!